A game of evil deeds, death and tentacles for 1-5 players.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Miremarsh Adventures
almost 4 years ago
– Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 02:34:56 AM
Good afternoon goblins;
After months and months and months of silent work while rebuilding the foundations of Room 17 Games to accommodate the company to the shape of this crazy world, finally I can share with you a bit of insight and personal (good) stuff.
Part of this was to reconsider the manufacturing possibilities and the final decision and completion of joining a resin manufacturing workshop to produce our resin goblins to start with and the Mighty Lords. All resin goblin backers should have received or will receive their minis in the next days (everything has been sent out).
Tim (the artist responsible for the resins) and I are taking turns to look into Customer Service every week so we can keep up with any mishaps or problems you may find while continuing attending all things Room 17 Games. This takes me to the intention of this update.
While COVID made it impossible to get into the office and the workshop, I managed to continue contact with several authors, illustrators and sculptors to make sure that the network continued alive and that we could continue working when all this pandemic, restrictions would end.
One interesting conversation happened specially with one of the sculptors that participated in the Miremarsh sculpting for the KS campaign: Albert Yu. Albert offered to sculpt more goblins as he loved the IP and the work he did with the bog goblins of the main game.
So, I took his invitation, and he went full on with it. Look at some of the new sculpts here (they are all multi-option!)
That inspired me to start writing about the marsh, their peoples, and imagining what was that place and what made it the way it is. What about those goblins? What’s their story and what other creatures or natives are bounded to the Marsh.
It all escalated rapidly. My good friend Paul Mathews got in contact and started writing too and even Matt and Sam, the authors of the game (who were already told about the possibility of a second edition Miremarsh at some point in the future). Got excited about the idea of expanding the universe of Miremarsh.
As you can imagine, with so many creativities going on, and EVERYBODY GOTTEN CARRIED AWAY soon I had a lot of material to start dreaming again.
With COVID lockdowns going on and the insecurity of when or how this shenanigan will end, it is very difficult to propose a heavy project involving months of work, KS campaigns or anything like it. Projecting and forecasting having become a dark science for a small UK company these days, I decided to start writing the type of games I’m better at: skirmish wargames.
To make the game as Miremarsh boardgame friendly as possible, I wated the dice, fish, bones and coins to take an important part on the game, so those that have the boardgame, can actually use all of them in the skirmish game. And the same with the minis!! With Miremarsh the boardgame, you already have a troupe, and if you had the rock goblins too... YOU HAVE TWO!
Each Troupe of goblins have a Troupe Board that give them special buffs during the game and they use the Miremarsh dice!
So, in the long and boring days of just discussing logistics to bring TFD over and between the days we could sneak in the workshop to continue mastering and prototyping Mighty Lords, I started writing the game rules.
The game plays in 3"x3" table
We had all the designs from Albert's 3D printed and last Saturday we got carried away assembling and playing with all the pieces (including some resin goblin rejects!)
Now, I want to leave this update here, and just say hi and thanks again to those Miremarsh players that enjoyed the campaign and the boardgame and don’t want to be bothered with promotional emails or other projects that are not related to KS or their original interest in Miremarsh the boardgame.
For those that want to check out how Miremarsh Adventures the skirmish miniatures game progress, I invite you to connect with me via the FB group I have created only for all things Miremarsh:
In this FB group I’m going to share new STL files of the new goblins, the beta rules and the lore as I write and define them.
Well, I hope you like the idea of seeing more things Miremarsh and to discover a lot more about the universe of this dreading place where … it seems, a lot of adventures actually happen.
I wish you all keep safe and well.
Resin Goblins!
about 4 years ago
– Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 11:40:16 PM
Good morning Goblins!
This update is basically aimed at all of you that pledged for the resin goblins. I'd like to apologise for the silence on that field but until the end of last week, when the goblins production was completed, I preferred to concentrate in a few setbacks I’ve suffered lately.
I have completed the picking and packing of the different items you have requested, including the first samples of Dungeon Adventures minis! (as per your individual requests) and I’m packing them all right now.
Today the resin goblin backers will receive a personal email confirming their address, email, telephone and goody selected. If you do not receive the email this may be because my database is not correct (uploaded from Backerkit) so please send me a mail to [email protected] so I can update and forward you the info. Please do not post the info in the KS comments.
First resin shots we ever had in-house!
Demoulding the production (it has been an experience seeing the whole process back to back)
The first resin shot assembled! (Fizzler is missing because he was taking the picture)
A close up of Skipper
Tanker is a show-off (I think his social media is skyrocketting)
Here a video of the little boxes of joy. I prepared each sprue in a zip back that will then be put on a box for 'comfort'.
Pointy Sticks!
over 4 years ago
– Tue, Sep 01, 2020 at 01:12:14 AM
Good morning Goblins.
While we continue with whatever issue and question Customer Service related, and to celebrate the fantastic reception of Miremarsh and to continue supporting and developing our little marshy universe we have some 'cute' news!
Pointy Sticks!
We are aiming at finishing in the next two weeks a new 2-players card game by the same authors Matt and Sam. This is indeed a game they presented to us AGES AGO! designed by Matt and playtested intensively by his daughter Izzy.
The game is called Pointy Sticks! in honour of ... YOU, OF COURSE .
Each player will control the tribe of the Rock Goblins or the Bog Goblins disputing different places in the Miremarsh to start taking over the domination of the swamp (that is until the Fenlord appears and take them all back to reality! ... buit that doesn't happen in the game, so the gobbos are happy for a while)
Pointy Sticks is a game of bluffing and bidding, and eating fish!
Below is a WIP of the Tribe Card (in this case Wrecker of the Rock Goblins tribe)
An example of the Tribe Card
The game will depict our beloved characters and will bring 10 new goblins t the party.
We will not be KS this game, as it is just a simple card game in a nice box so we will offer it soon in our online store. We expect it to be ready by Christmas and is perfect to take with you in trips and to play with your little one while the rest of the family are watching a boring film/TV programme (true story!)
Matt and Sam may want to give us more insight?
More Miremarsh Related News
In relation to Goblins in resin, we are finalising the preps to start producing the resins for the Goblins and I must say this is shaping in nicely! As I said in several comments, all Bog Goblin Resin backers will receive their little fellas and an additional sculpt as a thank you for bearing with us in these stupid and tough times.
Cool times in the marsh!
Shipping resumed and replacement parts
almost 5 years ago
– Mon, May 25, 2020 at 06:36:16 PM
Hi all swampy and rocky Goblins!
All but 20 or so Pledges shipped as GQ have started to ship again. So we are getting close to the final after almost half a year of getting this out to you, it arrived in UK just before Christmas! There is still the 30 or so Resin Goblin packages that the factory forgot to ship (make) so that needs to be sorted.
One thing that yo guys can help me with is that if you need replacements it would be a great help if you could send an e-mail to me at: [email protected] with (if you have it) your shipment number from GQ, Name, Address and of course the missing/damaged item, that will help me compiling that list to GQ and have it shipped, I will still go through my old correspondence about it so we don't miss anything but it would help quite a bit!
Room 17 Games/ Anders
Miremarsh Waves
about 5 years ago
– Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 08:56:24 PM
Hi all Swamp Goblins
By now about a third of you have received or about to receive you pledge. GQ have shipped 2 waves (chunks of pledges in £5k) and are working their way through wave 3. We are just about to pay for 4&5 this week, with 3 waves remaining. We can hopefully get Waves 6 and 7 paid in each week after each other and last wave 8, first week in March.
We are now getting in to the big part of shipments between 4-7kg and most average backers would have been in that category, regions don't matter, combination of items and however GQ divided their packing is what decided what goes or not in each wave.
It should be reasonable to expect that 99% will have their pledge from now until mid-march.
We are working on a solution where we can use the Mighty lords PM/Web-store to work for voluntary payments of shipping as that can generate an individual store item with a credit for the shipping you have paid and what your actual shipping came to. Any money from this will not affect shipping right now but might help to speed up the last wave(s).
I know its a B***-ache to wait in this stage of a KS project and its not super helpful all the time to see others chirping on about getting their pledge and so on, but we will keep on at it until you all have it and hopefully enjoy it.